Monday, March 31, 2014

Why We Get Fat Simplified

Saw this very interesting video a couple of days ago and thought it was share worthy. A simple explanation as to why we get fat. Enjoy!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Delicious Food Hack

As a foodie, one of my favorite indulgences is baking cupcakes. The downside, cupcakes aren't know for being healthy. Well the other day I was on Pinterest and I found the best thing ever: a cupcake hack. If you mix regular store cake mix and 1 cup of greek yogurt you might not necessarily get healthy cupcakes, but you'll get a healthier version of cupcakes! I have personally tried and love it, and not only does it taste just as good, but it taste better than regular cupcakes. Not only does this "recipe" include greek yogurt but it also helps you stay away from vegetable oil and fatty egg yolks.  One thing you should note if you try this, when you bake with the yogurt substitute, it take a lot longer to bake than it says on the cake mix box. When I first tried it I thought I did something wrong because my cupcakes just wouldn't bake, but don't worry it does take double the time to bake.